Vitamin D-3
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin needed in bone formation, insulin regulation, muscle function, immune health, and the balance of phosphorus and calcium in the body. Adults should take in 600 IU of vitamin D every day.
Eat foods rich in vitamin D, such as shrimp, eggs and salmon.
Because natural food sources of vitamin D are rare, choose fortified versions of orange juice, butter substitute, yogurts, cereals and milk.
Magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin K, zinc and boron are all necessary to bring up levels of vitamin D. Magnesium has the greatest effect on vitamin D, so include nuts, beans and fish in yours daily diet.
Spend about 15-20 minutes of sun exposure daily can prevent vitamin D deficiency in most people. Those with darker skin tones might require more time in the sun.
Take a vitamin D supplement if your food sources of vitamin are insufficient or if you are unable to spend time outdoors.
Consult your doctor or pharmacist about medications that may interfere with your body’s ability to absorb or use vitamin D. eg. Anticonvulsants, corticosteroids, hormone replacement drugs, and anticoagulants.
Vitamin D3 supplements are better metabolized than other forms of vitamin D.
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