7 Steps for a Better Body
President Plaza
#5520-8181 Cambie Road (next to the Radisson Hotel)
Richmond, BC
V6X 1J8
+1 (604) 270-1007
Monday, Thursday and Saturday | 9am – 2pm
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday | 9am – 6pm
     Begin exercising now if you haven’t been active all winter.
     You may be tempted to spend the whole weekend in the garden when it’s mild and sunny. But if you haven’t prepared yourself physically, you could end up with aching muscles, a sore back and painful joints.
     Gardening may not be an intense sport but it’s lots of hard work. One can burn up to 300 calories per hour. With all the lifting and squatting involved, it can also be an effective method for muscle conditioning.
Most people garden for fun and for stress relief, but gardening can also have lots of health benefits. If done regularly, it can provide enough activity to reduce the risk for heart disease, cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure.
Be Proactive
Go Slowly
Warm Up First
Move Around
Tuck in that Gut
Use your Legs
Water Yourself
Cool Down
Enjoy your garden and remember to stop and smell your roses!!