Richmond Chiropractic Centre


President Plaza

#5520-8181 Cambie Road (next to the Radisson Hotel)
Richmond, BC
V6X 1J8

Phone number:

+1 (604) 270-1007


Consultation hours

Monday, Thursday and Saturday | 9am – 2pm
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday | 9am – 6pm

Something’s fishy – Sources of Omega-3’s

The omega-3 fatty acids play an important role in keeping the heart, kidneys, and digestive system healthy. The body needs omega-3 fatty acids to make prostaglandins that regulate blood clotting, hormone production, and inflammation, pain, and swelling in the body.  There is no Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for omega-3 fatty acids, but you should try to get one gram a day.  Nutritionists generally recommend eating cold-water fish 2 to 3 times a week; the oilier the fish, the more omega-3 it has.


Samples of fish with omega-3 fatty acids:

Salmon, Atlantic 3.1-3.7 grams per 6 oz cooked serving

Sardines, packed in oil 2.8 grams per 3 oz serving

Salmon, Coho 1.8-2.2 grams per 6 oz cooked serving

Herring, Kippered 1.8 grams per 3 oz serving

Trout, Rainbow 1.7-2 grams per 6 oz cooked serving

Swordfish 1.4 grams per 6 oz cooked serving

Oysters 1.1 grams per 3 oz steamed serving

Mackerel, canned 1 gram per 3 oz serving

Sole or Flounder 0.9 gram per 6 oz cooked serving

Striped Bass (Rockfish) 0.8 gram per 6 oz cooked serving

Tuna, White, Canned 0.7 gram per 3 oz serving

Tuna, Fresh 0.5 gram per 6 oz cooked serving


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency warns against excessive consumption of tuna, shark, swordfish, king mackerel and tilefish due to their high levels of mercury. Women who are pregnant or lactating and young children should avoid eating these fish altogether. The agency does note that eating two meals each week — about 12 ounces total — of seafood like salmon, catfish and shrimp is acceptable.

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